I have read in some Buddhism literature, there are 3600 realm in a moment we can choose to live. Generally we choose in similar ways which makes our habits and eventually attitude. Having their own context, when two people interact with each other, powerful influences the other and powerful might be positive or negative. So when we say , such or such person I just can’t face means their context is more stronger and I am surrendering. Therefor I am not a chooser although I have the power to choose. I can’t blame anyone else for my life condition what may be the circumstances are. So if I am feeling very good or low, I am only responsible.
Yes, this is not easy. But by doing some work on me, its possible. Conscious awareness is the key. Keep on checking your context. That will make a difference. Its my responsibility to be in constant progress and in a state of continual happiness. Be happy and relaxed always. This is only the ultimate blessing we can have. Say Wow.