Himani’s World!

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Do you realize the importance of sports day of your kid’s school!

by | Nov 21, 2018 | Misc

Every child’s favorite activity is to play. If you ask children – why they love to go to school? I am sure the most common answer would be that they love to play with their friends.

My kids are always excited to go to school on the day when they have any sports period and they are little upset on the day when they don’t have any. They can do anything for you to get the chance to play with their friends. I love this excitement of children. I believe this is the real essence of life. Being elders we have lost it somewhere. We are stuck into the mechanical aspects of life just fulfilling our duties.

A few days back I attended the sports day at my kids’ school CJM Shimla. It was an awesome experience. Sports day in your child’s school reminds your own childhood and school days. Be it participating in any sports activity or cheering for own team are few best school memories to cherish forever. All the school sports activities are a great source of vibrant energy with lasting impact on students lives. Annual sports day is the most awaited event for most of the students in school.

Champions aren’t made in the gyms.
Champions are made from something they have deep inside them – a desire, a dream, a vision. – Muhammad Ali

Students participated in various activities – prayer dance, race, PT display, fan dance, hoopla display and many more. All the activities were rehearsed by students to perform in the school ground but because of the sudden change in weather, they had to organize it in the school auditorium. It was not an easy task to do all the arrangements in the new venue in a short period of time of one hour but hats off to all the teachers and students who successfully managed the show. All the parents were proud to see the performance of their loving children.

Academic learning & sports education can be considered as two sides of the coin which help to build the overall personality of the student. Sports help improve both physical and mental strength. Your body remains fit and healthy. Children should be encouraged to engage in sports and outdoor games on the regular basis.

Computer, video games & television are very popular these days among children. They all lead to their inactive lifestyles. The time spent on these things may be spent in some physical activities. Parents are always role model for their children so they should lead an active lifestyle for their children to follow. The fact really motivates me to be regular on physical activities like a morning walk, running, skipping etc.

In the initial years like many parents we also had the mindset of letting our children watch cartoons on TV to engage them but very soon we realized that it is of no use. In Spite of watching TV, they can do some other activities which can make them healthy. We only allowed them to watch selected TV programs on Weekends. This really made our life rich. We could explore many new things because of the spare time we could have by escaping the TV from our lives. Many friends and relatives found it weird that our children don’t watch TV regularly.

Life is just like a game. You have to prepare yourself to play it with grace by accepting victories and defeats. You can develop a sporting spirit by participating in various games and sports.

To maintain a balance that matches the child’s maturity, skills & interest is crucial for sports participation. Sports eliminate the monotony of daily routine life. To participate in sports activities in primary and middle classes is really important in the makeup of a young athlete. A good coach plays a very important role here.

I love gymnastics and had a desire for my girls to practice it. Because of the lack of coaching in town for the same, their practice was limited to some basic exercises like back role, front role, stretching etc at home. I am really thankful to the sports teacher in school who selected my daughter Kayna for the gymnastics in school for sports day and she really performed well. It was like a dream come true for me to watch her performing with the flexible and talented girls. I hope the girls get the chance to perform in the future as well.

Every school needs coaches that understand the great responsibility that is placed upon their shoulders to prepare the student-athletes not only in sports but in their everyday lives. Small children have a great impact on their lives from their teachers. The practice of sports and similar activities in school with teachers is very important to motivate them to perform at a higher level in sports and also in their own lives. The achievements and the appreciation for the same boost the morale of the children to become their better versions.

Sports and games enhance the children’s mental and physical growth. Sports help them in character building. The healthy diet and an active lifestyle make a positive impact on children’s minds, bodies & lifestyle. Children develop healthy habits to avoid health problems like diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, strokes, heart disease, joint pain, and many more diseases. Physically fit students will achieve more academically.

Education is complete with sports. Playing sports gives the opportunity for students to interact with one another. Participation in school sports leads students to become part of a team. They develop a great bond within a group which makes sociable and outgoing.

They engage in friendly competition. Being the leaders of small groups help students build confidence. Children work hard and give their best to win with dedication, patience, and continuity.

Most children don’t have sports facilities near their homes. So school plays a very important role here to provide the opportunities to experience different sports. Schools should take the pain in providing proper facilities, dedicated coaches and time to help their students pursue sports.

There is no glory in practice,
but without practice,
there is no glory…


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